Intensive Scourer

Purpose of Use

The removal of substances adhered to products such as wheat and rye (dust, sand, seeds, husks, etc.) involves peeling the husks of these products. Additionally, microorganisms and pests are broken down and separated.

Application Fields

It is used in cleaning plants for products such as wheat and rye, in flour and semolina factories, in cleaning units, silo facilities, and in pre-cleaning processes.

Working Principle

With a special horizontal motor, the product is rubbed onto the sieve and forwards intensively. During this process, the following processes occur on the product: friction of the product with each other, friction of the product against the pallets on the motor, friction of the product against the abrasive sieve.

Features and Advantages

High efficiency with minimum power, ability to combine with the same air, easy and fast sieve change, easy cleaning and structure suitable for health conditions, good cleaning process and silent operation.